123 Numere si Oi
ÃŽn istoria omenirii cea mai de succes metodÃÆ pentru aÃâºipit a fost numÃÆratul oilor. Apoi au apÃÆrut paturile pufoase pentru aÃâºipit Ãâ¢i matematica pentru numere. Noi ne-am gândit sÃÆ dÃÆm o nouÃÆ Ãâ¢ansÃÆ oilor!
Cei mici vor învÃÆÃâºa numerele de la 1 la 99, cum se citesc Ãâ¢i cum se scriu precum Ãâ¢i ordinea lor într-un joc distractiv chiar Ãâ¢i pentru cei mofluzi! Acum avem 3 niveluri de distracÃâºie matematicÃÆ la stânÃÆ:
ââ ImaÃâ¢ul Delicios
Fiecare oiÃâºÃÆ are câte un meniu Ãâ¢i fiecare fel de mâncare un anumit numÃÆr. Dar cine Ãâ¢tie sÃÆ citeascÃÆ Ãâ¢i sÃÆ le potriveascÃÆ? Poate cei mici de la voi de acasÃÆ?
ââ CÃÆsuÃâºa de AÃâºipealÃÆ
OiÃâºele nu vor sÃÆ doarmÃÆ pânÃÆ nu îÃâ¢i gÃÆsesc perechea din vis. Cei mici vor memora numerele Ãâ¢i le vor gÃÆsi perechea: micile behÃÆitoare vor putea sÃÆ doarmÃÆ liniÃâ¢tite.
ââ TranshumiÃâºatorul
Nici o poveste cu oi nu ar fi perfectÃÆ fÃÆrÃÆ puÃâºinÃÆ transhumanÃâºÃÆ. Aici la noi micuÃâºele patrupede Ãâ¢i-au construit o catapultÃÆ ca sÃÆ ajungÃÆ cât mai repede pe dealurile pline de iarbÃÆ proaspÃÆtÃÆ. Aici vor interveni cei mici pentru cÃÆ transportatorul oieresc nu funcÃâºioneazÃÆ fÃÆrÃÆ cunoÃâ¢tinÃâºe de matematicÃÆ! Copiii vor Ãâ¢ti sÃÆ Ã®l acÃâºioneze cu Ãâ¢iruri bine ticluite de numere crescÃÆtoare Ãâ¢i descrescÃÆtoare.
VÃÆ place jocul nostru? DacÃÆ da, daÃ
£i-ne un rating bun!
Comentarii? Sugestii? VÃÆ ascultÃÆm!
Kidsopia oferÃÆ o gamÃÆ largÃÆ de jocuri distractive Ã
Ÿi modalitÃÆÃ
£i creative de a învÃÆÃ
£a copilul lucruri noi.
Platforma Kidsopia este perfectÃÆ pentru micuÃ
£ii de 2 Ã
Ÿi 3 ani, pentru copii de grÃÆdiniÃ
£ÃÆ (de la 4 la 5 ani) Ã
Ÿi pentru cei care abia acum încep Ã
Ÿcoala (6 Ã
Ÿi 7 ani), prezentându-le multe din ideile de bazÃÆ Ã
Ÿi noÃ
£iunile pe care un copil trebuie sÃÆ le înÃ
£eleagÃÆ Ã
Ÿi sÃÆ le stÃÆpâneascÃÆ corect.
Kidsopia este o platformÃÆ educaÃ
£ionalÃÆ bazatÃÆ pe studiul UNICEF: ââ¬ÅRepere Fundamentale pentru ÃŽnvÃÆÃ
£area Timpurie a Copilului de la NaÃ
Ÿtere pânÃÆ la 7 aniââ¬Â (RFIDT).
Ne-am bazat pe exerciÃ
£iu Ã
Ÿi practicÃÆ ca fundament în procesul de învÃÆÃ
£are al domeniilor precum Ã
£ÃÆ (matematicÃÆ, geometrie, fizicÃÆ, chimie), biologie (corpul uman, animale, plante), artÃÆ (colorat, desenat, pictat), logicÃÆ (puzzle-uri de imagini Ã
Ÿi cuvinte), dezvoltarea emoÃ
£ionalÃÆ (conÃ
£a de sine, încrederea în sine, moduri de a face faÃ
Ÿi a înÃ
£elege sentimentele).
Cu ajutorul platformei Kidsopia copilul va trece printr-un proces constând în 3 etape:
1. Acumularea Ã
Ÿi înÃ
£elegerea noilor concepte.
2. Fundamentarea acestor noÃ
£iuni prin procesul de exersare.
3. Dezvoltarea capacitÃÆÃ
£ii de a recunoaÃ
Ÿte, asocia Ã
Ÿi aplica aceste noi informaÃ
Scopul aplicaà £iilor din Kidsopia este ca cei mici sÃÆ Ã®nveà £e într-o manierÃÆ relaxatÃÆ, jucÃÆuà ŸÃÆ Ã Å¸i inteligentÃÆ conceptele expuse mai sus.
Mai multe detalii pe: http://www.kidsopia.ro
Limba: Româna (România, Moldova)
In human history the most successful method was asleep counting sheep. Then came fluffy beds for napping and mathematics for numbers. We thought we'd give another chance sheep!Children will learn numbers from 1 to 99, as read and write as well as their order in a fun even for those sulky! Now we have 3 levels of math fun henhouse:
ââ IMAS Delicious
Each OiÃ
£ÃÆ have one menu and every dish a certain number. But who knows to read and match them? Can children from you home?
ââ Box nap
OITE will not sleep until I find their dream partner. The little ones will save numbers and will find her: little bleating will be able to sleep peacefully.
ââ TranshumiÃ
No sheep story would not be perfect without a little flocks. The little quadrupeds us here have built a catapult to get as quickly hills full of fresh grass. This will occur because the little shepherd carrier does not operate without the knowledge of mathematics! Children will know how to act well concocted strings of numbers increasing and decreasing.
We like our game? If yes, give us a good rating!
Comments? Suggestions? We're listening!
Kidsopia offers a wide range of fun games and creative ways to teach your child new things.
Kidsopia platform is perfect for little ones 2 and 3 years of kindergarten children (from 4-5 years) and those who are just starting school (6 to 7 years), presenting them with many of the basic ideas and notions that a child must understand and master them correctly.
Kidsopia is an educational platform based on UNICEF study "Fundamental Highlights for Early Childhood Learning from birth to 7 years" (ELDS).
We practice and practice-based learning as a foundation in the areas such as science (mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry), biology (the human body, animals, plants), art (coloring, drawing, painting), logic (puzzle Links to pictures and words), emotional development (self-awareness, self-confidence, ways to cope and understand feelings).
With platform Kidsopia child will go through a process consisting of three stages:
One. Accumulation and understanding of new concepts.
Two. Substantiation of these concepts through the practice.
Three. Developing the ability to recognize, associate and apply this new information.
The purpose of Kidsopia applications is that children learn in a relaxed, playful and intelligent concepts above.
More details on: http://www.kidsopia.ro
Language: Romanian (Romania, Moldova)
Download Link : Link
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